JADE Ethnic Orchestra Release
Hi everyone,
First of all let me say that the library is ready for release. However due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation working with Native Instruments on implementing the NKS features takes a little more time than usual but you will get there. I know this might be frustrating for most of you but we are committed to giving Jade the smooth release it deserves and as a matter of fact Native Instruments also took the project close to their heart. We'll keep you updated, meanwhile we're doing the following:
1) We will keep the preorder active until the library gets released. This will happen on May 11.
2) Everyone who preordered in the firstly announced preorder period (until midnight today (28/April/2020) - Central European TIME, GMT +1) will receive a personal lifetime coupon code of -20%. It's not much of a consolation, but in the future (or now) if you find a library that's interesting for you you can use the voucher, no questions asked. We will be sending the discount codes manually, starting now.
We have been working very hard on this library for about a year; we somehow got lucky and recorded most of the material before the lockdown in Beijing; we managed to push the library to NI during some weird times when most of our team members were babysitting with one hand and tweaking legato intervals with the other. Somehow fate has been on our side for this project and even though I REALLY want to get it out of my system now and focus on something else (how about some music for a change???), these are the last steps before we get an inspiring tool out there.
Please let me know if you have any questions - I'll try to be as responsive as possible and I’m also happy to say that similarly to Afflatus or Balkan, we’ll release a free instrument update based on your suggestions (like for instance having a Keyswitch Multi for all articulations the instrument has). So please keep the suggestions coming either here or on our official support email, we’ll write everything down and do whatever’s possible to make Jade even better.
Thank you for understanding!